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Department of Social Development, Republic of South Africa

Faster, more accurate processing of social grant application appeals eases suffering for claimants

Department of Social Development, Republic of South Africa logo

Department of Social Development transforms processes with OpenText Documentum, dramatically reducing processing times and litigation costs

In the last four years, the department has saved approximately ZAR40million, possibly more, on litigation costs. This is largely due to our ability to now deal promptly with matters thanks to the OpenText Documentum solution. This directly benefits the citizens who get their cases dealt with promptly and accurately, but also saves tax-payers money.

John Moekoele, Director, Pre-Adjudications & Operations in the Chief Directorate:Social Assistance Appeals for the Department of Social Development


  • Paper-based records caused processing delays and costly litigations
  • Over 50% of appeals missed target deadlines
  • Inefficiencies caused citizens to lack confidence in the appeals system



  • Improved case handling rate to over 98% from less than 50%
  • Litigation cost savings of over ZAR40million in four years
  • Reduced case resolution to 30 working days, ahead of 90-day target
  • Vulnerable citizens have confidence to make claims, reducing suffering

About Department of Social Development, Republic of South Africa

Committed to social transformation, the Department of Social Development (DSD) in South Africa endeavors to provide a better life for the poor, vulnerable and excluded in society. Its task is to develop and monitor the implementation of social policy to ultimately reduce poverty.